
Karrawirra Consulting is a highly specialised firm that makes best use of the skills and experience of its Director, Heather McElroy and a group of contractors and other consultants to meet project requirements.  Heather is supported by Kerry Marshall who is the Business Manager for the company.

Heather McElroy, Director, BSc (Hons), MMedStat, AStat

Heather McElroy is an accredited statistician (Statistical Society of Australia) with over 25 years of diverse experience across government, academic and pharmaceutical environments, most recently supporting health economics and outcomes research.

She specialises in health technology assessment and other market access activities, including applications to governments for reimbursement of pharmaceuticals, preparation of product value dossiers, evidence-based literature reviews and meta-analyses, and designing real world studies of outcomes and resource utilisation.

Prior to working as a consultant, Heather held statistical roles at Covance, Eli Lilly, the Cancer Institute NSW, the universities of Adelaide and Oxford, and the Health Insurance Commission (Medicare).

Kerry Marshall, Business Manager, BE (Hons), MEngSc, MSc

Kerry Marshall is a qualified Project Manager, having worked for over 30 years as a consultant, client representative and public servant delivering high quality and complex projects to a range of industries including construction, IT, banking and retail. Kerry has worked in both government and private sector roles and not for profit organisations.

Kerry provides administrative and business support to the company and its projects.